Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Jane thrills Glyn with flying skill
The two helicopter pilots then bonded over discussions about 2.4ghz spectrums and spare undercarriages.
Snowy Sunday
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Snow News
Lots of club members out with cameras so hopefully a few more will appear on the web site.

After half an hour or so defrosting the hangar doors, Will and Doug Hilton took first flight of the day with Mike Collett tugging in MF.

William P kindly took me for a flight in the back of K13 EBZ. On tow towards the Hambleden valley behind Cub MF.
Booker in the snow
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Chilterns Conservation Board

On Friday the Club received a visit from Steve Rodrick, Chief Officer for the Chilterns Conservation Board . He was interested in how the Club operated and its achievments. He also talked to Geoff about the aims and objectives of the CCB.
Steve last flew in a T21 many years ago. He said he will come back to do some flying with us in the near future.
Head in the clouds?
Well above them actually. Today we were fortunate to see some lovely flying conditions, with nice gaps in the clouds for those who wanted to fly higher. There's something very special about flying along and seeing the glider's shadow projected onto the side of a cloud. Even more unusual was the rainbow that encircled the shadow. Very picturesque and just about captured in this photo.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Strategic Planning Session

- There is an exciting future for Booker Gliding Club
- We are in good financial health
- There is no bad news
- There are a lot of opportunities ahead
There is uncertainty about how the airfield may look in the future and the extent to which the council may or may not develop it. But we will emerge stonger, whatever happens, either with a stronger tenure on a much reduced airfield development than that muted or be handsomely compensated for being willing to move our operation to an alternative site.
Either way we believe we will be better off and that we have something to shoot for that is very exciting. Plotting our activities and focus certainly occupied a winter's day when we did not miss too much in the way of flying. We were spurred on by the knowledge that we have a great club with some very talented people who are capable of tackling whatever lies ahead.
In the immediate future, we are looking for someone in the club who may be a professional PR person, or someone who aspires to such, to help us with a communications programme. If anyone fits the bill we'd really like to talk to you.
Friday, 4 December 2009
DUDLEY VERNON STEYNOR 16 October 1909 – 4 December 2009

Sadly Dudley Steynor our oldest member passed away peacefully in his sleep early on Friday morning surrounded by his family. He had celebrated his centenary in October. It was a grand affair, with an air display, steam engine, a Lagonda, and other vintage cars.
A more detailed tribute to Dudley will follow. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Visit from Steve Baker

Following on from the visit of Paul Goodwin MP we were visited on Wednesday by Steve Baker the Conservative Prospective Candidate for Wycombe. Steve had a busy day. He spent the morning with the Wycombe Air Park Action Group, then visited Tim Orchard at AAA, before joining us for tea. He talked with Geoff, Mike and I on a variety of issues and made some very interesting points about the future. Steve is an experienced skydiver and you can see him at
If thats not scary enough you can take a look at Steve's views on money in the Cobden Center
The weather precluded any flying so we look forward to Steve's return when it improves.