Clear blue skies in the morning, 40k viz and a light South Westerly encouraged Booker members into the air on a beautiful January day. The airfield going was officially good to very soft in places with wading birds enjoying the 35 threshold. From first thing Didcot was pushing thermals through the inversion, which by afternoon resembled a Cb complete with anvil. BTW did you know why cu's are so called? This one was spotted over the Borstal at 14.30.

Well done to Michael Gardner who soared the K18 for 40 minutes in 2-3 kt thermals just after lunch and to Eric, Roger, Rolf and Graham who also enjoyed the conditions, whilst Mike and Arne just spun down through the lift. And thanks to Roland who towed all day!
But the star of Wednesday must be Don Harvey who re-soloed in the K13 after a break of 52 years and 9 months! Is this a record? Well done to Don and don't leave it so long next time!
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