Another crack
ing Winter (or is it Spring?) day with good lift available for over four hours. Nice to see so many were there to take advantage of 2.5kt averages, 3000' cloudbase and unlimited viz. Jim W declared booker-silverstone-enstone-booker and achieved a creditable 75kph over the 138k. Shep, Glen, John T, Ron H, and John H all went cross country whilst Peter, Arnie, Mike G, Rolf, and Don H practiced their soaring skills closer to home.

Even Tim S couldn't resist a flight in the 18 while his hot ship languishes panel-less in the trailer park. Gerry and Hugh, and Mike and Will filled their boots in the 13's, soaring with the Red Kites which seemed more abundant than normal?
But all were put to shame when Calum turned up in full "Booker pin stripe" and couldn't resist a flight in EBZ. Nice to see the old values are still alive, what-oh old chap.