With a good southerly blowing on Saturday, Booker decamped to the rarely used countryside at the Northwest corner of the airfield. Far from the thrashing helicopters with just the skylarks and occasional Spitfire for company, what more could you ask? A little flatter in places I hear all the private owners shout! Good lift was to be had all day with milky skies tempering the sun's rays and probably keeping the showers at bay.

The grass is a little lusher at the 17 launchpoint as Mike G found out when he tried to move a K21 single handed. You're going to have to feed your lad better Jon.

Sorry I know this is a gliding blog, but who can resist a Spitfire picture - you can almost feel that Merlin can't you?
Sunday dawned brightish, and full of renewed vigour after Saturday's country air, we got 2 K21's, a K13, a Junior, a Pegase, a Robin, a Cub and the Falke out. Crash bang wallop and we put them all away again. Back to clubhouse smelling like wet dogs and a few coffees later, we decided to tempt fate with just 2 K21's this time.

Bob S finished his AssCat course with CFI Andy - well done Bob (and Jane as well). Hopefully they'll post something soon about their course - hint.
Must get some of those cool instructor shades.
As the weather picked up Paul B rigged his new ASG29 with winglets worthy of a 737-800. Personalised plates as well, what more could you want?
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