With a good high cloudbase it wasn't long before Alun J got the Pilatus out to push the envelope back a little bit, (You're going the wrong way Alun - Ed.) whilst JTU, 949, FUN and K4 tried their luck at soaring.
However aeros are no good unless you wind the clockwork up first as Gary finds out. Thanks Rob.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Aerobatics and Rabbit Racing
Monday, 19 May 2008
Booker - Land's End - Booker
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Full of Eastern Promise

All credit to Paul B for turning Tiverton and making it back to Booker mid afternoon. Rumours of Geoff T turning Lands End will have to wait for confirmation, but it's always a little easier in the knowledge that your crew is sitting behind you, given sufficient fuel of course...
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Always nice to see some happy faces
Monday, 12 May 2008
A Day the didn't go as promised May 12th
Well a day with a great forecast turned into survival exercise. It was obviously not going to be a large task day so a double O/R of 305k BOB-WEB-OXF-MAR-BOO was agreed as a reasonable compromise.
The cu started to pop around 1300 and the grid, 161, A9, 325, 370, 918, M2, and (how does he do it T6) were launched. It looked like we were going to have a good afternoon flying a task in reasonable climbs to a height that is more than exceptionable in the
I went as soon as I’d reached the bottom of the airspace feeling that an empty Nimbus would have fun coming back into a freshening easterly. The run to Chievely was under well formed cu that gave confidence that the task wouldn’t be a problem, then a big hole appeared which only contained sparse raggedy cu. The result was a long glide to Marlborough worrying that getting down to under 2000ft was asking for trouble, but a climb to over 5000 gave a feeling of confidence in the day. Topping up at Devizes and then again at Westbury before heading back into wind it seemed that the day was going to be an enjoyable one.
Whilst I was climbing at Devizes it appeared that T6, 161 and 325 were inspecting the ground relatively closely around Membury, but obviously managed to get back into the run of things as 161 and 325 passed me heading for Westbury as I was heading for Oxford between Devizes and Marlborough.
Not long after this they were all turning Westbury. The sky looked good all the way from Lambourne, where I‘d had a good climb, to beyond Didcot and although I couldn’t see
After gliding for over 30k passing under what looked like good climbs that didn’t offer any and listening to 370 saying he’d landed out (started turbo), T6 landing at Membury and 161 and 325 struggling to survive in the vicinity of Membury, it became obvious the day was falling apart.
Same again please....

Sunday, 11 May 2008
Bombastic Afternoon

Watch this space!

Today, whilst it may stay blue and have quite a high trigger temperature of 24C, several tasks have been set:
A - Booker Bridge - Calvert Junction - Longleat - Thame Airfield - Burbage - Booker SW1 (403km)
B - Booker Bridge - Calvert Junction - Devizes - Thame Church - Membury - Booker SW1 (313km)
C - Booker Bridge - Brill - Membury - Thame Airfield - Ilsley - Booker SW1 (201km)
So, let's see if we reach the trigger teperature soon enough!
Post launch update: Picture above shows the grid beginning to build up around lunchtime. Eventually launched as the first Cu began to pop at around 13:00.
The Pundits declared Task B and did a full held start with the gate opening at 13:30. Meanwhile 732 had set off on the C task a little earlier (a bad decision as the air didn't become very thermic around the Oxfordshire plain until somewhat later). Quite annoying to listen to others moaning of airspace limits of only FL65 when you're scrabbling at 700'!
Not sure how the pundits went on with the B task but at least one (Z12) landed out near Oxford. I think Jim is trying to get his annual set of landouts over with as early as possible in the year!
Pity that the BGA Ladder is still down currently as it'll be interesting to hear what conditions were like elsewhere. Meanwhile I hope Mike-R re-posts his blog entry with people's soaring hats as it sounds really good!
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Phew wot a scorcher!
First up is Gary modelling the intellectual standard issue as he waits patiently for any tug, not just a Pawnee.
Well done Ann. Nice adjustable brim in a style vaguely reminiscant of the Charleston era.
Christian and his rather quaint pith helmet style.
Steve modelling the BGA "Gliding" variety with a slightly Popeye theme. Gerry also seen sporting a non regulation cap.
Dave C modelling the latest in Foreign Legion headwear and Rodney with a more nautical theme.
And finally John wondering where he left his. Nice shirt though.
No you didn't really think I'd post one of yours truly in bobble hat did you?
Friday, 9 May 2008
Easterly, again.

Monday, 5 May 2008
Bank Holiday Monday

The High over Scandinavia seemed to create havoc with the passing of the warm/cold/warm front in the early hours of Monday morning. Nonetheless, several intrepid pilots rigged and gridded with the intention to go fly x-c.
Two main "tasks" were set - BOB-NOW-GRL-NOS-BOO for the grownups (Z12,T6,949 + 246?) which was around 246km. For the wussies, a.k.a. "oh, this is my first x-c of the season/first time I've flown the glider this year/just going to see if the instruments work" a more manageable BOB-BUC-DID-BOO of 119km was tasked.
Feedback from the crew of the Falke WT which had just done a navex was that there were thermals around but the viz was poor and cloudbase around Didcot was around 1500'. Eeek!
Anyway, 246 acted as the sacrificial lamb and was seen to be furiously thermaling and slowly climbing away, so the rest followed.
732, JDV& 971 elected for the shorter task and set off with good intent. After scrabbling around Brill for a while, 732 headed North for Bicester whilst JDV determindly pushed on towards Buckingham, turned short and landed at Thame. 971, cautiously tiptoed back to Booker. The Booker tug ended up with a grand tour of Oxfordshire, with Bob and Mark retrieving 732 and Z3 from Bicester and then JDV from Thame. Not sure how the other group went on but FUN landed out near Didcot.
Quite a challenging x-c day but lots of fun for everybody who at least had a go!
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Bank Holiday Weather

Sunday dawned more like Milk of Magnesia, so no grid, but at least we flew and it sounds like we faired better than our western neighbours, definitely and East/West split in the weather. Undeterred Phil C made the most of the conditions and completed his BI prep, good luck next weekend Phil!