Sunday 18 May 2008

Full of Eastern Promise

Paul B's 1000k declaration (Tiverton, Thetford, Taunton and home) certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons this morning as he launched at 9.00am into a very pretty looking sky.

A grid formed, talked, examining the sky and the increasing spread-out as the morning developed. Almost two hours later they launched onto a mixture of 500k and shorter tasks. But the day didn't live up to it's early promise with only a handful getting round.

Jon Garfield explains to James the Pump why a throttle quadrant isn't necessary.

Bob S with stylus in hand. Whatever happened to smoky barographs and a map?

I was here first - Robin and Kite contest a thermal.
Dave C pictured ready to start in what turned out to be a bit of a wet day all round.

Jim W returns to base without troubling the retrieve crew.

All credit to Paul B for turning Tiverton and making it back to Booker mid afternoon. Rumours of Geoff T turning Lands End will have to wait for confirmation, but it's always a little easier in the knowledge that your crew is sitting behind you, given sufficient fuel of course...

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