Monday 19 April 2010


David Clarke, David Humphreys, George Greenfield, Martin Kicks, and Simon McCracken arrived 08.30 BST for the first day of their bronze course being run by Glen Alison and Julian Saakwa-Mante. After the introductions, course objectives and weather we got the kit out as a front was expected about midday from the north with the possibility of rain.

We started on 06 with the wind 100/8kts, 2/8 octas at 4000ft+ 10k vis. The wind veered during the morning to 170/8kts and the resulting southerly wave influenced sink made the circuits instructive. By midday the wind had gone round to 240/10kts so we changed to 24, the expected front petered out and we had some good soaring up to 3000ft. Simon who’s recently gone solo achieved his third flight over an hour on his fourth solo flight – nice day!

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