After the success of the Bronze C course last week, the run of soaring weather has continued with Sunday and Monday giving some exciting soaring.
Sunday was interesting with some good lift to be found but without a very high cloudbase and a very noticeable shear around 2000' where a 10kt westerly became a 17kt northerly. The general opinion was that the thermals were broken and not where you expected them to be under the clouds. This didn't stop Jim in J1M and Tim in Z3 from doing a 260k task under the new handicap task rules format (which can now also be entered on the National Ladder) - hopefully the first of many flights to be flown and entered this way.
Mondays launchpoint - late afternoon |
Monday had a better forecast with a reasonable northerly wind 3/4 knots predicted. Success was had by Stuart Whitehouse doing his 50k O/R to Enstone (for the second time after a logger failure when he did it last summer) and Richard Eaton with his Silver Duration in ECZ. Other flights included 987 and KV both doing Bicester Didcot, 949 and F1 to Hus Bos and Wellesbourne respectively. The good news is that the rest of the week is still looking good if possibly going blue.
987 heading south to Didcot under 5,000' cloudbase |
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