Monday 22 November 2010

Booker hits the streets

Many thanks to Richard C and his team of leafletters who spent Saturday spreading the word about the plan to close Wycombe Air Park and build a huge stadium and 800 houses. They covered Lane End, Marlow Bottom and Clay Lane, delivering about 700 of our Buzz Off leaflets along with a special offer to our neighbours of a discounted Trial Lesson, with a percentage of the price going to our fighting fund.

Visits to our campaign website increased over the weekend which suggests that the leaflets were read.

We have plenty of leaflets left so there will be more opportunities to get involved.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

The Battle Bus

Maybe we should have given it a scrub first, but here's the Junior trailer expressing its opinion about the stadium proposal. It's been for a bit of an excursion already, around Handy Cross a couple of times and through Marlow. I'm sure it will be out and about again soon.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Liberal Democrat visit to Booker

The Club was visited on Saturday by Steve Guy the Liberal Democrat Group Leader on Wycombe District Council and member for Totteridge. He was accompanied by Councillor Julia Wassell Lib-Dem member for Bowerdean and Ian Morton Lib-Dem agent. They discussed the proposed Stadium project with Club Chairman Geoff Tabbner, Jim, Denis, and Geoff. They expressed their opposition to the scheme on financial grounds.
Following the discussion Geoff managed to sell them trial lessons which they flew in the K21.

Steve about to fly with William

Ian being briefed by Henry

Julia takes a photo for the album