Saturday 7 December 2019

Graham Morfey, 1937 - 2019

A message from Graham's son Alistair:

Graham Morfey died peacefully at home on Monday 2nd December. His wife, Margaret, and children were with him.

Graham took up gliding in later life. He loved the sport and Booker Gliding Club - he served as Treasurer for several years. Graham also had sailing and boats in his blood, from his first Mirror Dinghy to the Bowman 45 (Flight of Time) that he and Margaret sailed around the world. Graham and Margaret celebrated their Diamond Wedding anniversary in June this year.

His funeral will be at St Mary's Church, Whitchurch on Thames, RG8 7DG at 1.30pm on Monday 16th December. All friend and members are welcome.

Alistair also sent these photos of Graham in happier times.

Sunday 1 December 2019

Farewell with a rainbow

Finally it has stopped raining and given us three days of gliding, though today a slight shower produced a good rainbow.

Today was also Mike Richardson's last day in the tug before his impending move to pastures new in Welshpool. Mike joined Booker in 1990 after learning to fly at Wolds GC while he lived in Hull. As well as gliding, he has contributed hugely to the club as a Full Cat instructor and a tug pilot, in fact he spent 3 years working full time as an instructor. He also provided the bus webcam and supplied the club's branded clothing.

Mike in his natural habitat
One particular memory is the day he completed his first 300k, Yate-Worcester. Here he is having a post-flight drink, hiding behind Nick Hoare, along with Roland Wales (crew) and someone else who had also done the task.

Nick, Mike, Jane, Roland
We wish Mike all the best in his new home.