Tuesday 31 December 2013

Bronze briefings start on Saturday 4 January

If you are working towards your Bronze, need to revise, want to learn how to give briefings, or just fancy a chat about an interesting topic, come along to the clubhouse at 10am on Saturday for the next few weeks. Here's the programme:

4 Jan  - Navigation - Steve Williams
11 Jan - Principles of Flight - Symeon Economou
18 Jan - Human Factors - William Parker
25 Jan - Meteorology - Jane Moore
8 Feb - Flight Planning and Performance - Bob Smith
22 Feb - Radio Telephony - Ashley Birkbeck
1 March - Aircraft General Knowledge, Airframes and Systems - Duncan Sharp
8 March - Air Law and ATC Procedures - Wayne Aspland
15 March - Operational  Procedures - Mike Gatfield

Sunday 29 December 2013

December sunshine

What a fantastic weekend after (or possibly between) gales, and plenty of people turned out to make the most of the conditions - sunshine and nil wind - ideal for trial lessons, training or just having fun. Let's hope it's nice on New Year's Day, with the airfield closed we might get to fly off the hard runway for a change.

Here are a couple of pics from today, not brilliant as I'd forgotten my proper camera, but you get the general idea.
Hambleden Valley
View towards Wycombe Air Park

Wednesday 25 December 2013

This should cheer you up for Christmas:- http://missionhimalaya.com/blog/

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Festive newsletter - out now!

Take a look at the latest newsletter.

Sunday 8 December 2013

The alternative to shopping

Some really nice weather this weekend, and plenty of people out making the most of the sunshine. The scattered low cloud made for lovely views, here are Glyn and Steve's pics from their tour in the Falke.

Sunday provided more of the same, though it got a bit chilly as the wind strength increased, and the day ended with a sky on fire, the pic below doesn't really do it justice. Red sky at night.......must check the forecast for tomorrow.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Meanwhile at the NEC......

The Sales and Marketing Team had a weekend in Birmingham at the Flying Show, along with the BGA and teams from four other clubs - HusBos, Aston Down, Camphill and Buckminster. There was a steady stream of visitors to the gliding section, mostly people who were pilots already, so we suggested ways they could enhance their existing skills, for example by coming along for a day of spinning - after all, just because their aircraft's flight manuals say they shouldn't spin, it doesn't mean they won't. There was also interest in practising field selection and landing, and some of them were tempted plain straightforward gliding as a change from engines.
Waiting for the show to open

Many thanks to Chris Collett (who drove up on Friday to set the stand up and then came back again on Sat and Sun), Hugh MacDonald and Hedda Coture for giving up their time to promote gliding and the Club.

The new face of British Gliding