Tuesday 30 December 2014

Making the most of the holidays

The frosty sunshine and calm skies provided an ideal opportunity for Richard to send Matthew Porter off on his first solo today.

The grin says it all
Don't forget that the first Bronze briefing is on Saturday 3 January - Steve Williams on Navigation.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Not just Bronze Briefings 2015

Here is the timetable for the 2015 series of Briefings, all at 10hrs on Saturdays, which will cover topics covered in the Bronze paper as well as other fascinating subjects. All welcome - aspiring pre-Bronze pilots, trainee instructors mugging up on briefings, anyone feeling a bit rusty - come along and join in.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

December newsletter..........

.......read it here.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Sunny Saturday

A day of clear sky, sunshine and light winds - ideal for the aerobatics enthusiasts and other club members to get airborne.  Many folks were about with the the FI(S) and BI course taking place in the morning, with the opportunity to get flying in the afternoon.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Booker pilots score again

This week the (powered) World Intermediate Aerobatic Championships 2014 have been taking place in Mossel Bay, South Africa, with teams from 13 countries competing. The 7-strong British team included 3 current and former Booker members: Paul Brice, Emily Collett and Mike Collett. The pilots have had a pretty tough week with less than ideal weather, in particular some strong winds, but the British team did brilliantly, coming away with Silver - the South Africans won Gold, and the Czech Republic Bronze. The full results can be found here. And below are some pics shamelessly pinched from the British Team's Facebook page.

Congratulations to all!!