Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Jane thrills Glyn with flying skill
The two helicopter pilots then bonded over discussions about 2.4ghz spectrums and spare undercarriages.
Snowy Sunday
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Snow News
Lots of club members out with cameras so hopefully a few more will appear on the web site.

After half an hour or so defrosting the hangar doors, Will and Doug Hilton took first flight of the day with Mike Collett tugging in MF.

William P kindly took me for a flight in the back of K13 EBZ. On tow towards the Hambleden valley behind Cub MF.
Booker in the snow
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Chilterns Conservation Board

On Friday the Club received a visit from Steve Rodrick, Chief Officer for the Chilterns Conservation Board . He was interested in how the Club operated and its achievments. He also talked to Geoff about the aims and objectives of the CCB.
Steve last flew in a T21 many years ago. He said he will come back to do some flying with us in the near future.
Head in the clouds?
Well above them actually. Today we were fortunate to see some lovely flying conditions, with nice gaps in the clouds for those who wanted to fly higher. There's something very special about flying along and seeing the glider's shadow projected onto the side of a cloud. Even more unusual was the rainbow that encircled the shadow. Very picturesque and just about captured in this photo.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Strategic Planning Session

- There is an exciting future for Booker Gliding Club
- We are in good financial health
- There is no bad news
- There are a lot of opportunities ahead
There is uncertainty about how the airfield may look in the future and the extent to which the council may or may not develop it. But we will emerge stonger, whatever happens, either with a stronger tenure on a much reduced airfield development than that muted or be handsomely compensated for being willing to move our operation to an alternative site.
Either way we believe we will be better off and that we have something to shoot for that is very exciting. Plotting our activities and focus certainly occupied a winter's day when we did not miss too much in the way of flying. We were spurred on by the knowledge that we have a great club with some very talented people who are capable of tackling whatever lies ahead.
In the immediate future, we are looking for someone in the club who may be a professional PR person, or someone who aspires to such, to help us with a communications programme. If anyone fits the bill we'd really like to talk to you.
Friday, 4 December 2009
DUDLEY VERNON STEYNOR 16 October 1909 – 4 December 2009

Sadly Dudley Steynor our oldest member passed away peacefully in his sleep early on Friday morning surrounded by his family. He had celebrated his centenary in October. It was a grand affair, with an air display, steam engine, a Lagonda, and other vintage cars.
A more detailed tribute to Dudley will follow. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Visit from Steve Baker

Following on from the visit of Paul Goodwin MP we were visited on Wednesday by Steve Baker the Conservative Prospective Candidate for Wycombe. Steve had a busy day. He spent the morning with the Wycombe Air Park Action Group, then visited Tim Orchard at AAA, before joining us for tea. He talked with Geoff, Mike and I on a variety of issues and made some very interesting points about the future. Steve is an experienced skydiver and you can see him at
If thats not scary enough you can take a look at Steve's views on money in the Cobden Center
The weather precluded any flying so we look forward to Steve's return when it improves.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Friday 20 November....
Tuesday 17 November 2009
The flying diary was fairly busy and it was fortunate Glen Alison was on hand to ably assist with the instructing. With the unsettled weather we’ve had since the start of November several pilots were suffering severe withdrawal symptoms. John Turner and Richard Harris flew 314, Richard Clark was in DJK, Richard Martin KCZ, Gary Sparks, Steve Lawther and John McCollough were abintio training, Simon Phelps instructor training and Eric McLeod and Graham Morfey had check flights. An excellent November soaring day was had by all.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Booker cadet team gets together
Unfortunately two cadets had to leave before the photoshoot, but here is rest of the 2009 cadet team in all its glory.
Great use made of the clubhouse today with the annual end of season cadet meeting.
Fanastic support with all of the cadets turning out promptly for a 10:30 start! After the meeting, most cadets also brought their parents along for the buffet lunch; well someone had to bring the food.
It was another fine day on the airfield with plenty of the usual training from ab initio through to instructor training. Even Discus WD took a launch and Anne managed longest flight of the day with a 59 minute soaring flight.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Saturday 7th November
A beautiful start to the day with fabulous visibility and a light westerly breeze. It was thermic around midday with a 3,000' cloudbase but plenty of breaks to allow Graham Saw's aerobatic course to make the most of their 4,000' tows. In excess of 40 launches for the day made for a good 'un.
For those on the ground the entertainment was laid on with a "Strictly Pawnee Starting" competition. And the judges verdict is in..... Heggie 0, Collett 1.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Ridge and the rest
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Friday, 30 October 2009
Paul Goodman Conservative MP for Wycombe
Paul Goodman Conservative MP for Wycombe and Shadow Minister for Communities and Local Government visited the club today. He had talks with the chairman Geoff Tabbner and deputy chairman Denis Campbell on a variety of issues. Many thanks to Geoff Lyons for arranging the visit.
Although pressed, Paul declined the offer of a flight in a glider, saying once was enough. We are trying to find out who took him up the first time
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Friday 23rd
After a couple of false starts due to poor weather we flew a couple of groups funded under the government's "Learning Revolution". Twenty clubs have each been granted £1000 from the BGA to fly those who would never otherwise have had contact with gliding. They all immensely enjoyed the experience and were very grateful for the opportunity. The photos shows the very happy group from the "rethink" charity in Maidenhead after their flights, who would like to thank Booker for this very enjoyable and unexpected opportunity.
Roger NealSaturday, 24 October 2009
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Saturday on the South Downs
Sorry no pictures
curry tonight!
Aboyne 2009 expedition video.
Quality of flying shots has suffered in an effort to reduce the file size from the HD original.
Friday, 16 October 2009
The Floods Subside
I'll let the pictures do the talking:
Running past Loch Tay 6,000ft
JH John 10,000ft Linn of Dee in 7 hours and 45mins and was rather cold
JDV Barry 6,000ft Deeside...
315 Mike and Emily 9,000ft explored Aboyne's ridge and wave potential, yes the ridge behind birkelunn works in a Northerly. Linn of Dee and Glen Shee
Poor Steve went home with a cold and Glyn went home to clean his trailer.........
Dudley's Fly past
Full details of Dudley and his flying at Booker, including his service in the RAF, can be found at his website

Booker at Aboyne - week 3
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Cloudbase eventually reached 3600ft or so and the task was completed, for a change, at 88kph. For the middle of October....excellent day out. Fish pie.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Aboyne 11th Oct
Chocolate Almond cake was good however texture was a little floaty........ Sorry I thought i'd continue on the theme of the last two weeks.
Oh and then after lunch:
315 Mike and Will 21,500ft Linn of Dee
JH John Herman 16,000ft Linn of Dee after having a VERY good look at Glyn's house in Ballater
JDV Steve Williams 16,500 Braemar
987 Julian went to 15,000ft
Sunday 11 October at Aboyne
Today the forecast wind profile looks good - wind increasing with height, and from the NW - but down the valley it looks a bit wet. Some of us are trying to decide whether to hitch up and leave now or wait a little and see if there is a chance of one last wave flight.
Week 3 begins today, with luck we will get reports of their exploits.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Thursday flights
Geoff GA - a quick trip to Loch Ness
John JH - Linn of Dee and Tomintoul, 15,000ish ft
Glyn G1 - Marr Lodge, "only 10,000ft on the way, I stopped at Balmoral on the way back to warm up"
Dave/Craig 315 - Linn of Dee, 9,000ft
Bob 279 - Linn of Dee, 14,950ft
Julian ECZ - "I went up the valley somewhere, I don't know where"
Jane 118 - Braemar, 12,500ft
Rolf 318 - 12,000ft
Chris 987 - 14,000ft
Barry JDV - 11,500ft, towards Balmoral
Rob RM also flew, don't know what he did
After the big toys were put away, the small ones came out and Glyn and John flew Glyn's Funjet while Rob tried to avoid it with Bob's little Cub. Jane found her flying skill improved by a glass of Glenlivet.
And then off to dinner in the Boat in Aboyne, another excellent meal, the butternut squash and pistachio risotto is particularly good, and there were compliments for the steak pie. This time the desserts were tried and seemed to go down well. The oatcakes with the cheese platter were excellent.
Today is wet and not going to improve, so we are forming plans which will no doubt involve tea shops. Rob, Rolf and Craig have left for the south. Craig has had his eyes opened to the possibilities of gliding and the special nature of wave soaring, and will be back next year.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Soaring Update
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Postscript and pics
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Report from the bar
Julian 987 - 14,500ft, Loch Muick
Jane 118 - 14,300ft, Balmoral
Dave/Craig 315 - 14,000ft, Loch Builg, Tomintoul
Bob 279 - 16,300ft, Loch Builg
Bob 208 - 12,000ft (no oxygen)
Chris 318 - 13,000ft
Geoff GA - "could do better" - mooched around Aviemore and Tomintoul dodging the rain
William/Craig ECZ - had a late afternoon flight
Barry JDV, John JH, Rob RM and Rolf 318 also flew but they've obviously got dinner plans so we have no report of their exploits.
Yesterday's frosty runway

Most of the gang
Booker Wave
Tuesday at Aboyne
Monday dawned bright and clear with a hard frost, very pretty but very cold. We rigged ECZ and did a bit of fettling and cleaning, then Craig and Dave set off to see if anything was stirring. There was some weak wave and thermal which kept them up for an hour. Glyn G1 and Rob RM also took launches to check various bits of kit. While airborne they reported a house fire 'just over the hill behind the airfield' which had those of us staying in isolated houses of that description some anxiety, but it proved to be the farm buildings of an unfortunate farmer. After a pause for lunch (leek and potato soup, since you ask), Geoff and William went to walk round Loch Muick, 318 was given a polish and Craig had another circuit, then we packed the toys away and got the models out.
It rained in the night and is still a bit damp, but the sky is clearing, so maybe there will be some fun later.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Sunday 4 October - proper wave
Bob 279 - 21,000ft, Loch Muick and Balmoral
William 987 - 17,000ft, Feshiebridge
Chris 318 - 16,200ft, gold height, and all without a breath of oxygen
Steve JDV - 16,000ft
Jane 118 - 15,500ft, Loch Muick and Balmoral
Bob 208 - 12,000ft
Dave/Craig 315 - 11,000ft, Loch Muick and Linn of Dee
Barry JDV, Rolf 318 and Julian 987 were in the second shift and missed the easy wave but enjoyed the excellent thermals to 4500ft
A number of firsts for Craig - wave flight, cross country, Duo Discus - and he can now see why we drive all the way up here every year. And Chris with a gold height. Drinks on them then.
And for the food critics amongst our readers, yesterday 0ne party went to Spey Bay on the Moray Firth, where they struggled to walk in the howling gale along the pebbly beach. No wildlife to be seen, the seals and dolphins were sensibly keeping their heads down. The visitor centre has a cafe with excellent scones of all flavours, plus a warming soup. The other party set off for a walk round Loch Muick but after a while decided that it wasn't that much fun in the strong wind. Dinner at the Boat in Aboyne where the venison is recommended.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Saturday at Aboyne
In the afternoon six of us went for a scramble up Burn O'Vat, managing not to break any ankles.
Craig, William and Dave B also arrived, Roland and Jeremy left. Dinner, just for the record, was fish and chips from the Ballater chippy, and very nice too.
Today it is blowing a gale, walking across the car park is a bit of a challenge, so we are planning other entertainment until the wind abates.
Well done Jim on the height gain, you should come up here and try some proper wave, the views are better.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Wave at Booker
Glad to hear you are having fun in Aboyne.
Picture gallery
Friday update
Bob 208 - 13,500ft
Roland 987 - 12,000ft
Jane 118 - 11,000ft
Chris 987 - 7,000ft
Denis - 5ook horizontally
JDV, 118, 208 various launches to less significant heights
Mike/Arne 315 - 17,200ft (don't forget that 200ft)
Arne the Astronaut 318 - 7,000ft
Bob 208 - 9,000ft
Chris 987 - 8,000ft
987, 318, 118, JDV, 208 also to less heady heights, dodging around the clouds
Apologies to those I've forgotten.
Oh, and by the way, the steak and chips went down very well (another triumph for Jim), and so did the whisky afterwards, apparently.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Thermalling in the flatlands
A great day for October with the odd 4/5knots to 4400asl, just a tad on the short side but then the Autumn equinox is only 19 days away.
I just had to get another cross country in this year so I could make the total up to 10,000k. for the year. Perhaps there will be another day before I put the old girl away.
Dave Caunt
Thursday report from Aboyne
Today was a bit chilly. Denis went to Kingussie, near Feshie, the rest stayed local and dodged around the clouds
Here are some pics.
Tugs in the mist:
On tow towards Morven:
315 in wave:
Loch Tay from about 8000ft:
Spot Birkelunn:
And now off for steak and chips (Jim again).