Sunday 14 June 2009

Saturday at Thame Airfield

As the Aero Expo has taken over our airfield for a few days we have decamped to Thame where our hosts The Upward Bound Trust have given us their usual friendly welcome. We have two tugs based there and launched the fleet at around Midday.

I had set THM DEV LIT THM for a 400 for the flappers and THM WAN LIT THM for the standards (and club). Wind was a bit stonger than expected and the thermals to the West were not round! Found it a bit difficult nearly landing back on the second leg but got into really good air near Bedford and romped up and around LIT.

On the way back it became apparant that things were going to get difficult. AltoCu had arrived cutting off the sun enroute so I glid into Dunstable for a weak climb then Halton for a save arriving back at Thame with just a couple of hundred feet on best glide to spare.

Most got back but Will landed at Halton and Denis (who had set a 500 in an attempt to beat me with his huge bomber handicap) started his donk at St Neots.

More Sunday?

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