Saturday, 23 April 2011

Easter Saturday - XC and Easter Egg Cup

XC Flying
Brilliant day all round with the forecast showers holding off until the end of the day allowing several pilots to set over 300k. Generally the conditions were excellent except for the flat sky running into Norman Cross for those that were flying 320k (BOB-DID-NOR-CHV-BOO). The high cloudbase and strong climbs made up for that though. Check out the flights on the club ladder.

Easter Egg Aerobatics competition

Back at Booker the Easter Egg competition was in full flow with a very high standard of flying and high scores all round. Graham and Emily who organised the event ensured the flying and scoring were conducted to a high and safe standard. With the last aerobatic flight being conducted in front of a building CuNim and occasional lightning bolts there was a 'new' winner - Sienna Whiteside with a very creditable score of 83%. Equal 2nd place went to old competition lags Will Hilton and Alun Jenkins with 3rd place going to Guy Trees - congratulations to them and all the other competitors and hearty thanks to Graham and Emily for organising the event.

All eyes to the sky watching and scoring

Graham And Emily awarding 1st place to a virtual Sienna Whiteside who had to leave before collecting her trophy for 1st place

Equal 2nd place Will Hilton and (virtual Alun Jenkins)

3rd place Guy Trees

4th Place David Humphries

5th place Jane Moore

The catering team of Crockett and Herman laid on another great barbecue and the day was rounded off with a couple of nice finishes. All this and the weekend isn't over yet!

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