Saturday, 20 April 2013

Saturday racing

The club was out in force today to make the most of what was forecast to be a very good day. Richard set a task using Tim's racing formula and the grid waited for the kites to demonstrate that the thermals were working. Eventually Wayne and William launched, with the original 250k task programmed in. Meanwhile, back on the ground there was a bit of a re-brief and the rest of us set off on something around 160k, the distance depending on the handicap of the glider (no allowance for competence of pilot). Everyone got back apart from Jim, who carried out his first field inspection of the season.

Part of the grid
On the other side of the new bus was a colourful selection of wood, pride of place given to Graham's Lunak, now gracing the skies again after a 3 year battle with EASA. The excitement must have got to him, he was spotted doing axis rolls on downwind.

They don't build them like that any more!
Lots of flying, lots of grins, that's more like gliding!

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