The day began at 5am. Most people had left home in sunshine but the airfield was in cloud. This did not deter a number of members from experimenting with bungee launching a K18. There were two slight problems - no wind, and Booker doesn't have much of a hill. However, they seem to have had fun in the attempt.
Not sure this is a good advert for our cadet scheme |
Bungee taxying |
By breakfast time the sun was out and there was some actual aviation taking place.
Buggy café |
The ever popular K13 Cabriolet |
Keen interest in the club's new ASW19 |
The day continued with a fine selection of gliders ancient and modern (though the weather didn't really favour cross country tasks).
Rob briefing on his Javelot |
Richard trying Graham's Lunak for size |
Cadet Filip, who completed his Bronze last week, in the K18 |
Some shy pilots in the T21 |
Jim in his ASW27
There were some interesting fashion choices, which made a change from the usual airfield attire.
As the evening barbeque got underway, Doug and Graham gave a demonstration of dual tow and formation flying and the evening ended with an aerobatic display by Graham in his Lunak, streaming red smoke.
The view from the front |
Then the boys got their toys out and some very strange looking models began buzzing around as the light faded.
Look out, there's a drone about. |
Many thanks to all those who made this day such a success, including Richard the CFI, the Vintage Club, Graham and Doug for display flying, and of course Marnie and Simon for cooking up a storm throughout the day.