Sunday, 13 July 2014

Longest Day - the full story

The day began at 5am. Most people had left home in sunshine but the airfield was in cloud. This did not deter a number of members from experimenting with bungee launching a K18. There were two slight problems - no wind, and Booker doesn't have much of a hill.  However, they seem to have had fun in the attempt.

Not sure this is a good advert for our cadet scheme
Bungee taxying
By breakfast time the sun was out and there was some actual aviation taking place.

Buggy café

The ever popular K13 Cabriolet

Keen interest in the club's new ASW19

The day continued with a fine selection of gliders ancient and modern (though the weather didn't really favour cross country tasks).

Rob briefing on his Javelot

Richard trying Graham's Lunak for size

Cadet Filip, who completed his Bronze last week, in the K18

Some shy pilots in the T21

Jim in his ASW27
There were some interesting fashion choices, which made a change from the usual airfield attire.

As the evening barbeque got underway, Doug and Graham gave a demonstration of dual tow and formation flying and the evening ended with an aerobatic display by Graham in his Lunak, streaming red smoke.

The view from the front
Then the boys got their toys out and some very strange looking models began buzzing around as the light faded.

Look out, there's a drone about.

Many thanks to all those who made this day such a success, including Richard the CFI, the Vintage Club, Graham and Doug for display flying, and of course Marnie and Simon for cooking up a storm throughout the day.

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