Our stay at Talgarth was rather muddier and windier than we could have wished, but we are grateful to our hosts, Black Mountains Gliding Club, for their hospitality and for trying to make the weather better. The Talgarth contingent has now extracted themselves from the mud and headed north for a few days at Shobdon as guests of Herefordshire Gliding Club. Meanwhile, back at Booker, a group of keen cross country pilots have been under instruction from Tim Scott, weighing their gliders in every possible configuration - wingtips on/off, water in/out, boots/sandals - in order to work out how to get the C of G in the optimum position for racing.
'I'll just scratch a mark here to measure from..' |
'You did what?!' |
Then it was back to the clubhouse to do hard sums with all the measurements. They'll be zipping round tasks at the speed of light now they've got this sorted out.
There will be further sessions with the weighing machines for anyone else interested in improving the performance of their glider.
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