Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Tuesday16 and Wednesday 17 - Balloon runs out of hot air and looks for a top up

The weather was soarable for a good part of the day, with a frontal system approaching from the west. Flyable all day with a fair number of single seaters preparing for various tasks, and Graham Saw out in his yellow peril treating us to a series of air displays as he preps for the comp.

Early in the morning we were treated to a sight of a balloon landing behind the trees at Wycombe Air Park. My best guess is he was trying to get a top up of hot air from the clubhouse - but couldn't quite make it.

Can you spot it?

The Air League Course continues to progress. Mwila is shown here preparing for her next flight. Mwila started from zero at the beginning of the course and is now handling the whole flight with occasional prompts from the instructor. Well done.

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