Sunday 29 July 2018

Regionals round up

What a week it's been! Six contest days with two 300k tasks on consecutive days. We had a go on Day 7 but the weather went downhill and the Director scrubbed 2 minutes before the start gate opened as gliders sank towards relights and the sky darkened. Pilots were glad to derig before the rain. Saturday was very breezy so although a task was set it was scrubbed as it became clear that it wouldn't be practicable. Nils the Met Man had already spotted this and booked a holiday in Italy. The day ended with an excellent BBQ organised by the Director, plus prize giving.

Congratulations to the top three..........

Denis Campbell - the cup already has his name on it, lots of times

Jim White, who tried very hard to wrest first place from Denis
Speedy John Otty with his 3rd place prizes
.....and congratulations to all the other competitors for making it a safe and fun comp.

Many thanks to all the people who made the comp a success.......

Richard - Director, BBQ chef and occasional tug pilot
Nils the Met Man
Pete the Scorer

Bob the Grid Marshal

Maddi and her team of cadets

Jim and the other tuggies - Bob and Rob

George for flying the Duo with club members
Bob for Control, IT and lots of other stuff, including taking most of the pics

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