Monday 13 April 2009

Turned into a really nice day flying. T6, GA, Z3, G1, and myself set 145k BOB-BUC-CHV-BOO thinking the day would go to worms. As it happened we really flew round getting back to BOO at 2000ft and 96KPH to do another task. I think Tim was bit lower!

Set house triangle BOB-BIC-DID-BOO. Cloudbase now over 4000ft and great climbs so bashed off together on what turned out to be a record trip for me at under 50 mins for the 100K triangle.

Z3, Z12, and T6 all finished together for a very nice flight. The club was having its Easter Egg aerobics competition so it was necessary for T6 and Z12 to climb up once again for a little freestyle circuit!

After such a naff Easter weekend today was a real treat.


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