Tuesday 13 August 2013

A day for celebration!

We are delighted to announce that our application to Sport England's Inspired Facilities programme of lottery funding has been successful and we have been awarded £47,820 which will be used to:

- re-clad the blister hangar
- improve the structure inside to create a briefing/activities area and an area for members to work on their gliders
- acquire a trailer for the simulator being built by members
- landscape an area outside the hangar to provide a space for recreation and relaxation

The aim is to use the simulator to allow young people, those on low income and those who do not meet the medical requirements for flight to participate in gliding. We intend also to take the simulator out to community groups and to marketing events.

The idea for the project came from Richard, our CFI, who is looking pretty pleased about the whole thing.

Today we invited the great and the good to come along and help us celebrate. We were joined by Councillor Ian McKennis, Chairman of Wycombe District Council who presented the cheque, and Anita Templar, founder of the Horizon Club and Chair of Wycombe and Marlow Sports Council who supported our application. Also present on parade was Cadet Corporal Ellie Ford of 1811 (Marlow) Air Training Squadron who later had her first flight in a proper glider (the Duo) which she thought was great.

Our Chairman Geoff is away in Rieti upholding the UK's honour in a comp, so it fell to Denis to make the necessary speech. Club members turned out in force to get their photo taken for the occasion.

The Lottery Project Team was led by Denis Campbell, who kept it all going when spirits flagged. Richard Crockett was the man with the idea, Graham Morfey did the numbers, Jane Moore filled in the form and William Parker drew the picture.

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