Sunday 26 June 2016

The Levellers

If you venture round the peri track now you no longer need to fear for your car's suspension or the state of your boots. Yesterday a gang of members set about filling in the enormous potholes with a variety of machinery - a digger, a dumper truck and a steamroller - as well as shovels and rakes.

A typical pond

Boys' toys

The CFI executing a tricky bit of reversing

Loading up

Of course there always have to be people leaning on shovels

Taking a breather

And meanwhile John and Robert were making hay in the trailer park. John reckoned he'd walked 8 miles by the time he'd finished going up and down, up and down.......

One man went to mow

Strimmer in chief

Well done to all those who lent a hand: William, Richard, John H, Adrian, Callum, Jim W, Nick, John O, Henry, George -  and the mowing team Rob and John Hubb.

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