Thursday 4 June 2015


Yesterday was a bit tricky, with wave everywhere and a rather character forming approach. However, the flying was fun, and with the temperature rising it was very pleasant at the launchpoint enjoying the sunshine. The day ended with an excellent meal in the garden at the local Italian, and views of the sunset from outside the hotel.

Wave sky
Influence of Black Forest
The Log Dog

Sunset cliff

Moon one day past full

1 comment:

gliderpilot said...

Bath, Wilts & N Dorset GC didn't quite get its act together to go to Klippeneck this year, as we did last year with you guys. It seems you chose better weather last year, but it's good to see that you've been able to make the most of the conditions now that Klippeneck has warmed up a bit.

Perhaps next year!

Regards to the Booker bunch.

Mike Thorne