Wednesday 12 August 2009

Task week Day 3 - Tuesday 11 August

Yesterday was a day of two halves - not counting 370 Denis who was heard passing Northampton while the rest of us were still scrabbling around at Booker. How does he do that? Cloudbase when we launched at 1400ish was around 2200ft, and it was hot and steamy. The faint-hearted stayed local, those with more nerve set off north for Rushton. And some of them got back - 315 Mike, 918 Dave and EN Nils the Weatherman. 949 Bob and J1M landed at Thame, 279 Bob at Halton (where he enjoyed barbeque and beer while waiting for his retrieve). Jeremy wins the prize for farthest field, having landed at Northampton. Nice field though.

Today is a rest day. More fun tomorrow.


Denis Campbell said...

370 did take the benefit of a 3,000' launch which did help getting to Northampton quickly.

Denis Campbell said...
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