Thursday 12 August 2010

Task Week 2 - Day 6

Wednesday morning saw a hive of activity with gliders being rigged. Thanks to Henry for capturing the scene.

Now onto today. Is it really day six already? How time flies...unlike us as the weather's not very good today. The morning started with Jim giving his forecast of what was likely to be happening with the weather. Possibility of a building NW'ly making the ridge usable in between showers was about as good as it got. So we gave up on flying and did a series of flight debriefs using SeeYou and traces from yesterday's flying.

Some good discussions too on how everyone dealt with the conditions, where the best lift was, what it's like to land at Kidlington ("Oxford Airport") and why it took Henry so long to get out of the cut oilseed rape field.

Finally, a new weather station has been installed in the Booker Clubhouse. It's available for use by all of the members, is resilient, doesn't require bateries and has proved to be highly accurate. Come along and try it out!

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