Cross country flights were made on most days of the week with Dave C taking the Duo Discus on trips on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and others doing various tasks alongside. Check the Club Ladder to see just what was done.
The new range of courses are proving a success with a notable achievement by Stuart Whitehouse who initially started on a Basic Course and with a couple of top-ups went solo during the week. Congratulations to him.
On the cadet front, Guy Trees gained his first Bronze leg, Will Hilton has started his BI training and 4 new cadets started with the club on Saturday with Richard Crockett giving them an opening induction and showing them the ropes out on the field - a warm welcome to Ben, Sam, Peter and Daniel.
Sunday wasn't the brightest of days but fly pasts of the Royal Navy Historic Flight of a Jet Provost and Sea Fury livened thing up.
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