Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Serres expedition 2011 - day 3

Another hard day in the Alps.

Plan was for GA, 315, 768 and JH to head south to Puimoisson, then north via the ridges of the Par Cour to Mont Dauphin Saint Crepin and home - around 300k. KCZ tagged along for about 30k but wasn't able to match the performance of the hotter ships so set off on its own smaller task.

The main gaggle had a great time running the ridges and apart from one major save by Mike in 315 had a great run generally (but never think its simple in the Alps). Whilst climbs of 8kts were available the sink if you go to the wrong place can be ear poppingly painful.

A 45k final glide from Pic de Bure finished a fantastic day off. And KCZ put in a creditable 160ks.

The beers were well earned!


flyingben said...

We're following this closely at home. Keep up the reports, it sounds fab!

Dave C said...

Day 4? Or are the beers a bit strong after the heady excitment of the alps.

Not really jealous