Monday 15 October 2018

The early bird catches the wave

The sun shone early this morning and there was enthusiasm for flying. Luke struck lucky flying with Richard in the K21, they launched early and managed to get into the wave and climb up to FL100 - Luke's first experience of wave flying. Max also flew in wave for the first time, in the Pegasus - he didn't climb but had a nice sightseeing flight over Morven. Dave and Jan in the Duo also contacted some weak wave.

Luke and Richard heading for 10,000ft

Later in the day the thermals got going and a Bob (V66) and Jane (118) had a very nice time going round in circles for a while.

Meanwhile, Jan, Maddie and Luke went off to explore local beauty spot Burn O'Vat....and there was quite a lot of fettling getting done in the trailer park. We are ready for tomorrow!

Maddie out on a limb

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