Sunday 14 July 2019

Booker Red Kite Regionals Day 1 - again

The day started with breakfast, served up by John on his trusty barbeque. Then at briefing Nils showed some more of his colourful graphs and suggested that there was the possibility of a task later in the day.

Having set up the grid, a number of people set off on a sweep of the field to check for items left behind after the recent community events on the airfield. It was well worth the walk as we found some interesting items to add to those found on previous days.

After lunch, Jan and Jim took a launch in a K21 but found cloudbase still low and thermals weak. By mid afternoon things looked a little better and Nick and Jane launched. Nick found cloudbase of 3000ft and some nice thermals, but conditions on track were leess than promising so in the end it was another scrub, followed by beers on the verandah.

Cooking up a storm

FOD plod - the view from the tower

Treasure trove

The view towards Henley

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