Sunday, 28 July 2019

Inter Club League Round 2

This weekend the Lasham team came to Booker to contest round 2 of the Inter Club League. The weather was not ideal. On Saturday it rained, cooling ground scorched by the week's heatwave, but the visitors were kept entertained with breakfast bacon rolls and an evening barbeque, with plenty of briefing on the intricacies of flying at Booker in between. Sunday started overcast, but Met Man Nils was confident of a later clearance so there was rigging and gridding - and task setting and falling back. Finally the grid launched at about 2pm, the Pundits on a task of 155, Intermediates with 115k and Novices with a local task.

It wasn't easy, there was a gusty NW wind but a reasonable cloudbase, and the Pundits whizzed round. In the event Lasham's team of European and UK champions won the day in Pundit and Intermediate classes, with the Novices being declared a draw. The winners were:

Pundit - Mike Gatfield - demonstrating the advantage of starting gliding as a Booker cadet
Intermediate - Toby Freeman

Many thanks to the club members who made it all possible:
Bob Smith - Team captain
Pete Wyld - Scorer
Jim White - Task setter
Nils Wedi - Met man
Bob Sinden - Grid marshal and joint team captain
James Roland and Mike Richardson - Tug pilots
John Hubberstey - Chef
Davis Hamilton - grid launching
Cadet Varun - log keeping
......and not forgetting Mike Sinclair for tidying up the trailer park

Roll on 2020 and the rematch!

Lasham invasion

Mike Gatfield and Tom Arscott

Booker Novices Luke and Stuart

J1M finishing

Steve Jones in his Arcus

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